Saturday, June 18, 2011

Pregnancy 16

On the 15th of June before, I did my review with our dearest Dr Alaa and we supposed to know the gender of it :). Jeng jeng jeng...But my baby is too shy to show its sex, it lying prone (tiarap) in my tummy and melintang...I guessed that my baby is sleeping during scan because I couldn't feel any movement during my review. Sigh!!!But , it's ok sayang mama and papa will still love you :) :) :)...

Of course we saw all the anatomy, it has a long vertebrae...maybe tinggi dia nih , we guessed so haha. Apart from that, everything looked normal.Alhamdulillah!!!

Dr Alaa also suggest that if I have difficult pregnancy do not hesitate to get ceasarean section. I'm actually little bit afraid when the Dr told me that. I know it is just simple surgery, I've seen it but I did not know why I'm still afraid and my darling said to me, "it is only spinal lah sayang". We discussed about this last night and came to solution to be delivered in GH if any difficult pregnancy occurs. (and of course murah bah.. rather than the private "one" yang sudahla 2 kali salah diagnose bla bla bla...)

Oya, I did tell Dr Alaa (oh not me..hehe) my darling husband told Dr Alaa about our plan to go back to Malaysia by this end of July. And the Dr seem sad..he told us "why that I need to get the abnormal pregnancy only"...hehe. Pity Dr Alaa. It is because I have ectopic pregnancy before.. and this pregnancy was induced by him..:( But still he told me to get my urine and blood test done before our next review, maybe on the 6th of July.

I did complaint something to Dr Alaa that I vomittted every morning..and the Dr said it might be due to dyspepsia. I did checked my weight and nah...Dr Alaa was angry to know that I lost 1 1/2 kg.I just increase my weight last month to 75kg and now it turn 73.5kg...I will eat as much as I can  and Amy also buy me a lot of things to eat!!!

Before we went to see Dr Alaa, we went to see Dr Soheir actually as Mushrif to my dearest sweet friend Iffa. It is her first time to see couple doing antenatal clinic.. and Amy teased him "ginilah nanti kau ngan suamimu Fa.." I just laughed and she blushed.

my tummy on 23 weeks

Dr Alaa doing my scan ( have to exposed the perut part)

Complaining with Dr Alaa
Now I am 23 week I am officially 6th month..(nah kau) another 3 months to go...:) Can't wait to see it!!!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Pregnancy 15

Finally at kicked me on the 5th of June at 130pm...hehe. It kicked me 5 times that day. And then, on the 6th of June it kicked 15 times on the morning. I could feel it moves turning around and around like in a swimmimg pool, I guess...hehe. Amy was so happy that he put his hand on my tummy that night but only for 10 minutes I guess and he felt that the baby touch him. : ) He was so excited as I am.!!!